Saturday, August 11, 2012

Another one of my quick questions.

Has anyone been fallowing the Olympics ?
And if so is there a certen event that interests you?  


  1. I'm following them loosely. :) For the most part I didn't really see too many of the ones that I wanted to see, but I did catch a few of the men's volleyball games. I read about the archery shoot, but didn't catch who won it. Aside from those ones, I've been watching the highlights of all the recent events at work. ie: (decathlon, sprinting,) How about you, Rennuke?

  2. I saw there vary end of gymnastics and some of the men's swimming relay races both were prity interesting I would like to have seen the opening ceremonies and pole vaulting. Did you happen to see if that all time high medal winner got anymore he was on 19 or 20 when I last saw but he had more events to go .


  4. We watched some Jenn Suhr pole vaulting that was pretty cool and some gymnastic trials, but we've been pretty busy. We used to watch at a relative's house and that was pretty cool seeing Phelps with his double jointed shoulders and whatnot. We don't really get into it much.

  5. Bear with us Rennuke. :) Gryphon is quite busy getting ready for college. And I'd be glad to talk with you on here. Would you mind being on at 3:30 in the morning for me? :D LOL Don't worry. Pretty soon Summer will be over and everyone will be shut in their houses with nothing pressing going on and they will get back on their computers. :)..........I hope. OKAY GUYS, I'M JUST AS STARVED FOR FRIENDLY CONVERSATION AS RENNUKE IS.COMMENT!!!!

  6. didn't hunters impassioned speech stimulate any hard hatred sole out there? sniff.......

  7. I will comment!     I have watched some of the Olympics; examples: mens volleyball, water polo, white-water kayaking/canoeing(whatever it's called). Does anyone know if the U.S. two-person men's volleyball team won anything?

  8. Not sure @Smiley_Gal47:disqus . I don't think that they did, but I didn't follow it very closely. :)
