Sunday, January 23, 2011

What if?

Well I have decided to write on something a wee bit different this post. Instead of me just posting historical facts,(which there is nothing wrong with and I quite enjoy)I am going to make a series of hypothetical scenarios and see if anyone has any theories on the outcome.
The scenario I have thought up is this. The Germans have just invaded the Soviet Union, and because of a very late winter they have rolled over all opposition. The Russians have capitulated and the Soviet government is disintegrated. America has just joined the war on the side of England. Then at the height of his power(because of a misplaced “Heil Hitler!” by one of his close confidants) Hitler falls off a balcony breaks his neck and dies a slow death as an invalid in a state hospital.(The patriotic,yet unorthodox,close confidant is quickly tried and executed on treason charges.)
This "tragedy" causes a power struggle within Germany,Nazis vs The Old Guard Prussian Generals. Eventually the German generals succeed in the power struggle,but only by putting Erwin Rommel as de facto dictator,and by keeping Germany under the Nazi government.
The year long reprieve gives the British some breathing room,but with no USSR to absorb the German's attention
Western Europe has been armed to the hilt in preparation for a Anglo-American counterattack.
Meanwhile in Asia,without Soviet assistance Mao-Zedong's Peoples Militia is destroyed and Chang-Kai-Shek resumes the challenge of sending back the Japanese. The Japanese in response focus all their attention on Mainland China.

Well?What do you think?What does newly instated fuhrer Rommel do?What happens when the Japanese are faced with a fully united China?


  1. Whoops! Sorry!
    Forgot to put a title on it.:)

  2. The Japanese smoke china, the Germans and British go at it hammer and tongs leaving Briton destroyed and Germany weekend enough for the allies lead by Paten to destroy the Axis powers. But not before thy develop the atom-bomb which they manage to hid in Italy and smuggle in to the middle-east where all trace of it disappear. With out the USSR's egging them on the USofA sinks in to a slaw of despond and the 60's type immoral mentality sweeps the world. World culture continues to degenerate the UNofE (United Nations of Earth) is formed in a desperate attempt by the would's leaders to roster order. And begins to secede until a secret society led by a home schooler and anarchist(code name Twilight Shadow) hacks the UNofE's sentential commuter and destroy it's environmental program cosing all UNofE's assets to devolve it to chaos. The UNofE declares Twilight Shadow a enemy of the world and begins the largest man hunt the world has ever known. But to no avail he and his society vanish At this point the "Jordenits" pronounces the UNofE incompetent and discloses a hidden agenda that showed that the UNofE was attempting to under mine "sacred rights of the people" the already out raged public demand that the UFofE disband and give their power to the Jordenits. the Jordenites publish a statement in which they stat that although they are flattered they could never supersede proper governments in that way. the UNfoE's response is Operation "Cleansing fire" they stat that the Jordenits are a threat to humanity and must be exterminated 45% of all Jordenits are killed during this time that horror stricken Jordenits regretfully decide that "In the interests of preserving the human race they are forced to tack up the power the people have offered them. they then activate sleeper elements in Islam that stimulate a jihad on the UNofE the resorting war lasts 6 years and at the end the UNofE and Islam are no more. but the Jordenits themselves have taken vary few loses and thay begin rebuilding the world and incentive programs for space exploration under the newly formed earth empire at this time the Jordenits aging leader(call sine Gryphon) is announced dead and in honor of him the Jordenits disband. How ever in a last ditch effort to keep him alive the powers that be find the infamous hacker and techno expert.Twilight Shadow who downloads Gryphon's conciseness in to a volunteer ( a young fan by the name of Gustaf Brackman ) it is unknown if this succeeds.... :)

  3. So that is where Brackman gets his absolutely perfect demeanor!:)

  4. Alternate Version #2

    Japan forms a Pan-Asian alliance while America is occupied with attacking Rommel's "Fortress Europe".The World War drags on. A uneasy peace comes only when the Nuclear Bomb is available(due to espionage)to all three superpowers.(Pan-Asian Alliance,America,Nazi Europe)During this "peace" each superpower tries to absorb as much unclaimed territory as possible.
    (skip 66 years)
    In 2011,90% of the world is dominated by the three powers,only the Middle East is still unclaimed as sovereign territory.All three powers send "peace-keeping" forces into the Middle East to wage a war by proxy.
    A ominous explosion at the German Biological Weapons Facility(causing mass spread suffering) is blamed on the Japanese.Both sides escalate the argument and counter-argument until armed confrontation breaks out.The death toll rises enormously,even without the use of Atomic weapons.
    The American government is ominously silent.A rising star in the military,General Bond,has his suspicions of his Governments innocence in the troubles of their neighbors.He begins to gather evidence on less than savory tactics used by the seventeen term President Obama.But he presses too hard for evidence and a mercenary is dispatched to take him out.When the Police get to General Bond's 911 call at his house they are too late and there is nothing more than a ransacked home.
    The disappearance of his good friend Bond,makes the brilliant Twilight Shadow(inventor of the only Nano-tech Laptop in existence)extremely agitated.While casting his radar out(using his personal Loga-Satellite system)for any strange occurrences,Twilight Shadow picks up on a strange wave-length on his sensors.He tracks this "Wave" to a hidden bunker in the mountains of Tajikistan,were he finds the elusive Rennuke and his Brotherhood of Enlightened Templar Neophytes.Rennuke informs Twilight Shadow that the current situation is the fault of a cabal corrupting and antagonizing the Three World-Powers into all out war.Twilight Shadow and Rennuke make a pact to destroy the Elusive Cabal, and launch out to destroy the Cabal's influence in the three nations.through cunning and strategy Rennuke's Brotherhood assassinates the Cabal as Twilight Shadow shuts down all warfare capabilities of the three remaining countries.Too much damage had been done though,even without the Cabals influence the countries refused to secede from hostilities.At the final peace meeting Rennuke called for a massive reorganization of the countries.No one would agree to this unless it was someone with UNPARALLELED wisdom,MASTERFUL political acumen,and ENORMOUS integrity.There was a dead-lock as to who would do it.(Rennuke would not stoop to mere politics as he said it was not in his humble nature to dominate.)At the height of this deadlock the deadly mercenary THE HUNTER came striding followed by the not-dead General Bond.(It was a mistake for the Cabal to hire THE HUNTER,old buddy of Bond,to kill the General.It was ransacked cause THE HUNTER and Bond did a thumb war before he went to help overthrow the Cabal.)It was decided that Bond would lead the Reorganization of the world.Due to the expertise of Bond and his many associates peace came quickly.After the Reorganization was completed Rennuke took the newly made warpship(The U.S.S SOLAR EMPIRE)and left the Earth(with his renamed brotherhood,THE ADVENT) in search of the UNITY enigma.It is unknown if he succeeds.........:)

  5. Version #3
    All goes like the normal reality.
    The Homeschool group matures and takes over the Government of the USA.
    Vice-President:THE HUNTER
    Secretary-of-State:Twilight Shadow
    Secretary-of-Education:(Who needs one?)
    Secretary-of-Transportation:THE THIMBLE
    Supreme Court Justices:THE JUDGE(Reuben's older sis),Phillip,Nathan,Annetta,
    Josiah,and Bond's sibling #4(Jonathan)

  6. HA Ha ha HA Ha ha HA Ha ha HA Ha ha HA Ha ha HA Ha ha HA Ha ha HA Ha ha..... That was just rich Grypon.. I burst out laffing twice.

  7. should I keep going on mine or did you wont intelligent answers? :)

  8. I do not care.(both would be good:)
    I think your history is pretty hilarious.
    (I was thinking of making the THIMBLE Vice-president just to make you crazy,or maybe making Mason the new leader of the World:)

  9. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that isn't bad at all Gryph!! :D
    Just one question though, why am I the Vice President? I know nothing about politics.

  10. Oh,and,uh...Gryphon? Why is Erika the Secretary of War? I mean, how safe would you feel with her in place? (No offense meant of course:)

  11. Wow.....just,wow. How long did it take you? and don't I get a Commander Robot? how about a leagen of nano-bots? Secretary-of-State is good :) I like it.

  12. YOU get to become a cybran and start your personal node called the Shadow node which is part of the Cybran Nation it becomes known for its electronic warfare systems and develops a antilogarithm that can spot a cybren’s potential even with the UEF's loyalty program running( it was this program that Identified Elite Commander Dosueve in the Infinite war) however just be for QAI came online he was greatly disturbed and withdrew in to his privet office then shortly before operation black sun he vanished. Rumors and theories of every sort have surrounded this event. Some say that he died and his body hidden others that he became bored with life and retired to life of endless virtual war. However the author has fond this informative “ I came into the node’s mainframe room in response to an enormous power surge. Warning the room was full of member of the Shadow node which was a surprise to me, they had all been interfacing with the central computer and had that glassed disorientated look of a sudden connection lost. When I Inquired what had happened they told me that there elder have fled the corruption of the system and fled to the freedom of his own his body was found shortly thereafter. My analyzers could find no physical, virtual or mental problem with it. After further investigation and interrogation of those present I can only conclude that he actually did was they claimed, in short we have his body but HE vanished without trace in to the quantum net his people have stated that he will return “when we need him”. To Doctor Gustof Brackman form Monitor Hex2. “ This was made available to the author by the Princess Beurk’s secretary.
    So now we must wonder Has he return or is this an imposter and if he has is he on the same side…..

  13. Breaking News: This just in...

    The President and Vice president have been the unfortunate victims of a successful kidnapping. While traveling to an agricultural protest being hosted by the Speaker of the House, the President's limousine was lost. Recent insight on this case by the Director of the CIA has pointed to a disturbance in the GPS system, and the Secretary of Transportation was arrested on suspicion of tampering with federal property and endangering the life of the President and Vice President. As recent leads show, the limousine left the main road and was stopped after only traveling a few miles. A description was given by the limousine driver, the Secretary of Labor, who manged to escape and watch the proceedings from a distance. (Unfortunately, he forgot to get help.) Apparently there were three kidnappers. One was wearing overalls and carried a pitchfork, and was identified as the Secretary of Agriculture. It is conjectured that he was upset about the agricultural protest the President and Vice president were attending. He was backed up by a person carrying a machine gun, who was recognized by her height as the Secretary of War. The Secretary of Labor also recognized the Secretary of Commerce as the third person. The President and Vice president were tied up single handedly by the Secretary of Commerce, while the Secretary of Agriculture blindfolded and gagged them. Then they disappeared into a corn field. A ransom note was received by the Postmaster General postmarked from Pyongyang for 40 million dollars.
    The Secretary Treasury has released a statement saying that the treasury has reached a new low, and we cannot afford to ransom the President and Vice president.
    Meanwhile, of the four conspirators, only the Secretary of Transportation has been arrested, and Supreme Court Justice Annetta has ruled that she was justified in tampering with the GPS and will probably be let go on probation.
    What will become of the President and Vice president is anybody's guess.

  14. @Rennuke: When you refer to "YOU" are you referring to me or Gryphon?

    @Annetta: So you can comment on other posts :)

  15. @Annetta....You have begun to scare me.

  16. Twilight Shadow, yes, I can. *evil laugh*

    THE HUNTER: I didn't know they allowed computers in Pyongyang.

  17. *pops in*

    Well, I can't say I've read the whole scenario, but I just have to protest about my position as speaker?! Um, haven't we established that I fail at public speaking? And the House Speaker has to, a lot. Please re-appoint. :P

  18. 2 Twy The "you" was you

    2 Jess I hear the Secretary Treasure is looking for a temporary president you could apply for that?

  19. @ Jess:Speaker of the House guides the House through the passing of legislation and other actions.(you usually headed up the game-nights)He or she is also majority leader in the House,and since the girls were the dominant party for the longest while I figured you were the best choice.
    @ Twy:Thanks for titling the untitlable:)
    (yes I made that word up:)

  20. @Rennuke: When I vanished into my personal node, I recessed into a Sort of stasis incubation. I ran countless simulations on the human body. I was attempting to find a way to allow the human body to influence the natural elements. I found that the body was incapable of doing this without some kind of external help. So I looked to technology for my answer. It was already possible to change and rearrange things at the molecular level using advanced equipment. But I needed a way to allow the body to use this ability naturally, Like moving an arm or leg. Hence, I went to the Cybran. The Cybran were successful in integrating Technology INTO the human body. I Decompiled the Cybran base core code and modified it to integrate alongside, parallel or WITH the human body. The Cybran use a brute force method to integrate. Placing microchips and circuits on the body and going through the skin to connect. I wanted a way to have technology integrated without changing or disrupting the body. But the advanced level of the Type of equipment I wanted needed a large processer to work. I was dumfounded at this problem when I realized that the body already has a processer more powerful then any Microchip made. The brain was my answer. By interpreting the electric and chemical signals transmitted from the brain I was able to bypass using big microchips and avoid making the body adapt to Technology. Instead I made technology adapt to the body. Nanites salved my size problem. They are small enough to move inside the body without disrupting anything. They also could be programed to maintain the body in many ways. Clean the blood, recycle dead cells and enhance the body’s lifespan exponentially. Yes, this was what I was looking for. A single Cybran is incapable of acting on its own. It needs its “Node” to give it general directions or jobs. Building off of Cybran Base code I was able to program the nanites to work in a unified way with the body, intercepting orders from the brain as they were given to the body and acting upon them. Like if you told your body to move or pick up a stone, It would respond and pick it up. Now if you told your body to discharge a focused blast of electricity, you wouldn’t be able to do it. The body does not have that ability. But with nanites integrated in the body it now becomes possible to get that electricity from somewhere and control it instead of having it run through the body causing harm. The nanites would interpret this and act on the fact that they are needed. The nanites would surface on the hand for instance, and proceed to discharge electricity. (Continued on the next comment as the dum thing will not let me post the hole comment at once) :( :( :(

  21. The only problem with this is that the nanites would have to get energy to do this from somewhere. So unless you are sticking your finger into a wall socket and simply redirecting the flow, the nanites would have to use your metabolic processes. This could also be used in reverse. Taking energy from electricity and converting it to energy that your body could store for use. Let’s not forget the influence this would have on the molecular level. Changing one thing to another or reshaping objects to fit your needs. Nanites could make micro vibrations not possible with the body before to displace dirt and allow the body to move through the ground like moving through water. Only there would be no resistance and no need to be able to know how to swim. So this could be seen as “supernatural” but all that is happening is we are using the nanites abilities to influence the outside world. But how would the nanites know how to do all this without Instructions on how to do them? Well, the nanites are receiving instructions from the brain right? So you would need to know how to do all this. I have invented a way to “Flash” knowledge into the brain with light patterns projected into the eyes. The information is stored in the brain but needs to be “remembered”. So we need to trigger an event to help the person “remember” how to do these things. Like knowing the chemical equations to change one chemical to another one. Or showing the person a trigonometry equation to salve. You would know how to salve it right away by looking at it, there by triggering the “Memory” on how to salve it. The same applies to “Swimming’ through the ground. If you feel something emitting micro vibrations then that “memory” would be recalled. Combine the feeling of swimming with the nanites ability to emit micro vibrations and you could make the ground move around you. Doing this could result in moving at extreme speeds though the ground. Of course doing all these things would require practice to perfect. Placing the “Memory” of how to do things does not make you do them well. I have trained in simulations and have gained experience in the “Supernatural” abilities. I can move without a sound. Blend into the Shadows and strike fear into the enemies of the independent shadows node.

    -This is a work of fiction. concepts from many TV shows, movies, and games where stuck together. Any and all ideas expressed here where made from 9:30pm to 2:00am and can be only a half awake fantasy world. Please enjoy the thoughts and theories presented here –

    By:Twilight Shadow



    Your highness Gryphon,I have included in this dispatch a complete overview of current events.Just as we have planned,the traitors among our nation have acted against the honorable President Rennuke.Secretary of Commerce and Secretary of War have no idea that Secretary of Agriculture is working for us.The Secretary of Agriculture hid the President and Vice-President in the residence of Supreme Court Justice Annetta;We found and escorted them back to the White House.Justice Annetta was arrested,and (through very rigorous "questioning" at CIA Headquarters) saw the error of her ways and made a motion to combine the office of Secretary of War and Vice-President.Justice Phillip and Nathan voted "yes",and the JUDGE abstained,passing the motion making it now constitutional to have the entire military under the command one individual,THE HUNTER.Secretary of Commerce accepted a new position in THE JUDGES administration.(after she had given us the location of the Secretary of War.)Our agents detained the Secretary of War in a unnamed location.The public was told that the Secretary was unaccounted for in North Korea.Due to this "fact" the President had declared a state of emergency and requested the House to pass a law allowing for the:(a)doubling of CIA resources,(b)giving the Secretary of State the right to censure Senators for improper actions,(c)allowing for seven more Supreme Court Justices,(d)Department of Interior and Department of Homeland Security are merged with the CIA,and(e)for the duration of the Emergency all policy,budget,and public declarations must pass through the newly formed Hierarchy Senate composed of three presidential appointees.The House passed this particular bill extraordinarily fast.(It might have something to do with the subtle pressures we exerted....go figure.)With our position secure there was only one more thing left to do,and that would be what to do with the Secretary of Transportation(who is technically innocent of any REAL crime).The CIA planted a pin(with "THE THIMBLE'S REVENGE"printed on it)on the seat of the President's chair,and arrested the Secretary of Transportation.Since there was no evidence we just have her under house arrest in protective care of her Brother,CIA operative Daniel.

    END MESSAGE.......

    P.S:Annetta I am so happy you decided to come and comment on my humble post!:)

  23. @Gryphon: I've got all of America's armed forces under my command? SWEET!! Can the honorable Bond be my Wingman?
    @Twy:Either one of two things need to happen with you:1.You need to quit sneaking those latenight snacks or 2.You need to lay off the Sci Fi movies.

  24. oh yeah....I am so glad that Annetta has seen the error of her ways.(Gryph? that was a brilliant way to turn her over.)

  25. this house arrest is driving me crazy!! and until I'm realest I will haunt your blogs with ever increasing fervency.
    THE Thimble
    I cant stand being locked up in the house like this! I need to see people.....
    after all I'M the the game night social chairman.

  26. Wait, WHAT!? The thimble got a comment in this one also? Someone will pay for this identity theft!

  27. @THIMBLE:The President is the only one who can let visitors in or out of your solitude.Talk with your CIA operative Daniel.:)

    @Hunter:You liked my persuasive measures!I was proud of them myself.(You give the orders,but you need Bond to carry them out.)





  29. Orders have been executed.

  30. As the Secretary-of-State I am taking this matter into my own hands and calling in small elite forces from allied nations to take control. The people have wished for a peaceful Solution to the problem.
    If a anyone tries to escape, I will call in favors from people in that country and have you detained and recalled. The president is currently in a safe place until such a time that a solution is found. drastic measures will be taken if no such solution can be achieved.

  31. Secretary of State: "This is going well. I never said our allies where happy about getting involved in this. But they all owed me in one way or another. The other members of the government never realized they all have nanites on them. Our sleeper cells also have the nanites, Just in case they ever decided to go rouge. That way we could track them and take action. But I can give the names and locations of the sleeper agents to the corresponding nations if it comes to that. Yes, that will give me even more influence over them. If the other members if the government decide to nuke them then I will have the backing of our allies. After I had informed them of the situation, they where still not happy about getting involved but realized the need for it. I still cringe at the feeling of having to use our allies troops to help. (Shrugs) Cant be helped. After all, I couldn't get our allies to send representatives without having some of there own troops there. These forces along with my own personal nanite enhanced guard should be enough to hold key positions."

    Fox News: Earlier today, the Secretary of State had this to say.
    "To the American people, I have called in help from our allies to keep this as safe as possible. please be patent with us as we try to work out a solution. The Forces under my direct control have been assigned to protect you. The use of force will be a last resort. But preparation is a necessity. I have always kept the people at the forefront of my work and plans.
    A new technology called SUPERSONIC has been developed to help this go as smoothly as possible. It is for use with my recent breakthroughs in nanite technology.
    I have called together all the key government officials to hold a meeting and discus this situation. the allied troops will be present there only to guard the third party. Let us hope they will not have to be used. We will find a solution. I request you, The people of the U.S.A, to band with me in this hour of need and help insure a favorable outcome to this problem."

  32. (a dark cloud covers the horizon)
    CIA DIRECTOR:Has it begun,Rennuke?
    PRESIDENT:Yes.....THE THIMBLE has begun exerting her influence and deactivated all the Secretary of State's nanites.
    (Gryphon nods to mason,who sends out the order to all sleeper cells to begin the operation)

    FOX NEWS:It is chaos everywhere, as a plague of assassinations and accidents have caused the world to become practically blind.No one has come forward to take the blame for these paralyzing attacks......
    (reporter puts hand to ear)
    I...uh....we have new is a real time feed to the Secretary of State's summit at the Hermitage.We go there now.
    (camera switches to a front view of the Hermitage)
    PRESIDENT:I have the most unfortunate responsibility of addressing you in this time of upheaval.We were hoping for peace and understanding during this time.But it seems that the nations we considered to be peaceful helpers during this time are actually just taking advantage of us.
    VICE-PRESIDENT OF WAR:When we were all settled at the peace-talks(about the time that the other tactical attacks happened all over the world)the unscrupulous ambassadors and their guard opened fire on us.Only the valiant actions of my good friend Bond saved us!
    (because of static the pronunciation of Bond by the Vice President of War sounds strangely like ugly.
    GENERALISSIMO BOND:It was a difficult fight,but nothing I could not deal with.
    JUSTICE PHILLIP:He had a machine gun,and a missile launcher,and a......
    PRESIDENT:anyway!The American people will NEVER bow to these foreign invaders;they seem to have troubles enough with this plague of terrorism.
    CIA DIRECTOR:Unfortunately,the Secretary of State was a causality before Bond could jump into action.
    JUSTICE PHILLIP:We need this is a warning of how much we need to do to bring our nation back to it's greatness!
    GUARDIAN OF CONGRESS:I have,unfortunately,found that all the Senators and Representatives were aware and approved of this traitorous attempt on our leadership.I have now decided to disband the Congress and vest it's powers in Justice Phillip.
    FOX NEWS:And that is the story.We all wish our brave leadership luck in the coming years!In other news the mysterious cloud that hangs over the world is claimed by some to be a result of global warming! an.....
    (TV is turned off)
    (The morbid-supposedly deceased Secretary of State is escorted to a tastefully decorated room,with only one other occupant and a floating,glowing Thimble pulsating in mid-air.)
    MASON:Twilight Shadow it is a pleasure to meet the man who created the Nanites.
    (Twilight shadow remains in a dignified silence)
    MASON:My compatriots would like to offer you the chance of a lifetime;a chance that would allow you to toy with your Nanites permanently.
    (Twilight Shadow listens with growing appreciation)
    TWILIGHT SHADOW:You have a deal!
