Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Comment system is being worked on

I have run into trouble and have reverted back to the old way for now and will try to remedy this shortly. all Comments are safe and will be added soon. please go about your normal blogging.

Thank you for your patience in this situation.
-Tech Support 


  1. Thank you for changing it back momentarily! :)

  2. @Rachel: you are welcome, I guess. I cant seem to get all the comments to transfer over, but I will not be denied! I will get it to work!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. For Rennuke: The comments are
    (queued for importing)
    So lets see of they finish later on.
    If they don't start later then we will have to try something else.

  5. @Twilight Shadow: Thanks for trying to work on it! :)

  6. What does this "1 liked received" thing mean? :)

  7. @Rachel Young: The "Like" button is used when someone likes a comment or reply you post. Hunter might decide to "Like" a comment Gryphon made because it slams Bond really well :)
    Or if a question is answered, the person might "Like" that comment because it helped them figure out what to do. All of the "Likes" you receive are added to your total "Likes".

  8. @Twilight Shadow: Thanks! Is there a way to find out what somebody liked of mine?

  9. Well, do you mean "who" or "Why". There is a setting that shows the name of the person that liked the comment. but I don't think that there is a way to show why.

  10. @Twilight Shadow: Well, I don't know who liked what of mine. :)

  11. Well you start with 1 Like. not sure why (Shrugs) "some things can't be helped"
