Sunday, June 12, 2011

Potential Presidents


  1. @Strawhat :feel free to write my friend.

  2. Very good StrawHat
    I appreciate the effort you put into the article.

    While I can see that you do not support Romney.(who would?) who do you support?

  3. *links to website that proclaims that the next generation of Americans doesn't care at all about politics*

    thanks StrawHat :)

  4. @The_Gryphon:disqus I have not yet decided whom to support and do not plan on doing so too soon. However a number of the candidates have done things/ taken positions that makes it unlikely for me to support them. I am liking Santorum the best currently however my view of Pawlenty(I favor Santorum over him) is not yet complete and I believe at the present I have nothing to prevent my supporting in at some time in the future.

    @Winona17:disqus  Thanks for commenting.
