Sunday, October 9, 2011

The betta

Well I just bout the a new home for it.
How do you think it looks? By the way one of the reasons this blog egsists it to share experiences that you think might help to the rest of us.
So when Buying thins on ebay espeshaly hoses for bettas double check to make sure it is in American $ not British pounds or you might end up spending two to three times as much as you thought you were! Hmmm I don't seem to be able to use the picture for some resin ho well I'll post one when it gets here.


  1. I think it looks greart.

  2. It a butifole vase I meem tank.

  3. excuss my miss spelling .

  4. Ronsferd: It looks like a vase?! Wow, poor betta. He'll go through life feeling like a flower! His friends will learn of it and tease him unmercifully! Then Betta will take his life by doing the F.A.B.E. (Fresh Air Breathing Exercise)

    Rennuke: Shame on you! Be  NICE to the poor thing!

  5. Awesome Rennuke! Just be careful that the bottom does not fall out of the Fish market......or Betta may become Burger :)

    If we are supposed to say profitable things here is a big one:
    Do not trust Orthodontists(as everyone knows:). I am going to be having some local surgery where my tooth is missing.
    (nothing I will not be out of your hair for long :D )

    (all prayers are appreciated.)

  6. The_Gryphon I will pray for you and concerning the local surgery.

  7. Gryphon: Hope it goes well.   :) 

  8. Well it went "well" (as well as can be expected),but it is still kinda hard for me to talk(stop celebrating guys!) is a nice alternative :D

  9. Glad it what well The_Gryphon I was hopping we were  in for some peace and quiet but if thats not possible then you making it throu nun the wear for the ware is a ok I guess Sie....:)

  10. I haven't been home long enough to enjoy any of the peace and is soooo not fair!

  11. The_Gryphon I'm so glad it went well!! I've never had actual surgery before, but I did have a tooth literally cut out of my gum once, and that really hurt, so I know what it's like :)
