Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hay Twy!!

I need  some text support, when are you awake this week ?


  1. What kind of "text" support are we referring to? Yes "LOL!" means Laugh out loud. ROTFLOL! means rolling on the floor laughing out loud. I know a few other ones also, but I do not believe they would be appropriate for his blog.
    Ok, all jokes aside we are going to a winter retreat with our church this week end. I just hope there is enough "winter" to retreat to. first off what kind problem do you have? please state the nature of your problem with a priority gauged on a scale of one through ten. If this is a high alert request then I can see if I can take a shot at it for a very small time window sometime Saturday morning when we get home from work. but if it can wait until sunday night/sometime Monday then that would be better.

  2. well if  your on a 1 to 10 
     scale  with 1 being the lowest it would be a 2 or 3 
    as to the  nature of the problem I think we should redo the blog but I'm not sure how hard what I want to do would be so I'll just talk to you about it when you get back. Have fun at your  retreat. :)
