Friday, May 18, 2012

The book Facts


  1. Names Ideas : Norse Eric,
    Bjarni, Bjorn, Brander German? Adelbrecht, Adalric, Anton Hawaiian?!  Aikane, Alohi, Lulua ina? (haha, that last
    one means "Freckles"

    Benjamin Alexander?.
    Christopher Lee? Karl Jesse? Curt Allen Anachorita GwenhevareIde may (possibly
    pronounced Eye duh may) Isemay (possibly pronounced Eye suh may Jessimond Isard
    Iseldis Linnette (or Lynette) Lyonete (or with a double "t". I've
    also heard something rather like it: Lyonesse") Maerwynn Ivetta Yvette
    Andrie Alisaundre

    Names for GOD  Ehyeh,
    meaning I AM or Elyon meaning Most High bouth are from Hebrew Prince of
    Peace"  (english) in Hebrew witch is   "SAHR
    sha-LOMEAsia= Resurrection female name Cleopatra=Glory Of The Father female

    Epifanio                One Who Gives Light     Hiero    
    Holy Illias       Jehovah Is My

    Kristopher           Christbearer you can see where that
    came from here Matthias            God's Gift

     Those were Greek here are some Hebrew ones

    Adonai  My Lord Amiel    God Of My People Amir     
    Proclaimed, Prince These two are both female names from Hebrew
    Galia      God Has Redeemed      Galya    
    God Has Redeemed


    Reviera- Sweet, but adventurous.
    She doesn't have a big tendency to get into trouble (like most adventurous
    spirits seem to in books), but she will face danger to help those she loves.
    She loves the outdoors and bare feet... She doesn't often express, or show it
    when something troubles her, but is always ready to listen and help others when
    things trouble them. (She's not to outspoken about her feelings). She's strong
    (physically and spiritually). I'm imagining her having a strong faith (however
    we're working that in), but I don't want her to be a weakling physically
    either... People don't have to be shocked by the amount of strength she has,
    but she is very capable of doing things.(long explanation, sorry)

    Anna- Gentle and open, especially
    to Reviera. They're very close. She is very tender towards those she is close
    to (kind of easily swayed by their wishes... no brainer to fetch water, run
    errands, whatever for their benefit). She's very sensitive (in a good way).

    Now about the
    story. Eric isn't set in stone yet but I want him to be
     bit young and dashing feeling but he has been
    there and do that so not greenhornish at all.  As for the other guy
    "sir Christophe" would be fine but I don't want him to be a
    knight :) 

  2. Ok, then, whenever you two are ready we can start writing again. Thanks Rennuke!
