Wednesday, March 9, 2011

2 All I have a random question for you guys if you could choose, would you have been born in: The past present or future?


  1. Hmmmm....for the sake of being interesting, I would choose to be born either in Regency Era England or the Pre Civil War South. And yeah, Gryphon,.....its because of the clothes haha - You may now roll your eyes and groan.

    But in reality i dont want to change when i was born, because then i wouldnt know all of you wonderful people....and would never have met the love of my best superman <3 <3 <3 <3

    Ok, i'll cut the gush now....ahem

    P.S. I love you, Babe <3

  2. To be interesting, I would like to be born in the future, mainly just to see what kindof advanced technology might be available.... but then again, there is no life without you sweetheart, I definitely would not trade this life for any other <3

  3. I would have to say, the past. Probably early medieval eastern Europe, or Pre-Civil War Mid West. :)

  4. (barf) Sorry, excuse me.
    Hmmm.....I think that I would prefer to have been born at just the time that I was. Maybe just a little before,if only for the reason that Clinton completely messed up the country throughout my childhood.

  5. Enriqueta of AssanaMarch 10, 2011 at 4:10 PM

    I would of liked to be born in the past, like Bible times:) I think it would be really awesome to live during the time when Jesus was alive, and get to see all the miracles he performed, and just to be able to be in His presence...even once. But, like the others have said, I am perfectly content to have been born when I was:D

  6. It depends if I could choose what my circumstances are in that time.I would love to be in Rome if I could be a son of Ceaser Augustus.But I would say,that I would like to live in the Reagen-Era(Go America!)It has all the important stuff(indoor plumbing,freedom of religion,
    and American Supremacy!)

  7. Well THAT was interesting.
    I was going to ask why each of you wanted to live when you did but you already answered. humf! so I guess I'll as anther one instead.

    If you could have liver any where where would it be.

  8. To your first question. Pride and Prejudice time might have been cool!(18th century England) :) But kinda like Bond's Girlfriend said, I wouldn't know all of you people if I lived back then, unless all of you were alive back then too! God knows exactly where I need to be, and he picked for me to be here!

  9. JAPAN!!!
    (except that it is being pounded by quakes and tsunamis)

  10. Sorry I didn't comment sooner. I didn't see the second question. I think that I would like to live in Montana or maybe Southern PA (due to the hunting opportunities. :) And both places have all four seasons. Something that I wouldn't trade for the world. :)

  11. If i could live Anywhere??.....hmmm maybe texas ;) ha you didnt see that one coming LOL

  12. hmmmm....probably Scotland, because of the castles, beautiful mountains and landscape, bagpipes, Scottish accents, and mild summer temperatures:)

  13. If I were to gave to pick born another time to have been born I might pick being England under common law sometime in the 1600-1750 range. As how God choose for me to be born when I was it was the best time for me to be born.

  14. 2Bond's Girlfriend Man I NEVER would have guessed! Well OK I might have. :)

  15. I living in Japan would choose this place. I agree Gryphon's idea great. Japan COOL!!! right now is not so cool with earthquake. college still standing,COOL!!! Not have classes for some time though. America not have such bad katastrafe? Rennuke, we eat pigs liver here it's awful!!!!! Do you like liver?

  16. I living in Japan would choose this place. I agree Gryphon's idea great. Japan,COOL!! Not so cool with earthquake now. College still standing,COOL!!! America not have such katastrofe? Rennuke we have liver of pigs in Japan. Do you like liver?

  17. Rennuke,Hunter,Twilight Shadow help me kill Takashi!
    (orders flight ticket to Nuclear devastated Japan,and grabs shotgun on the way out)
