Tuesday, March 1, 2011


okay with that start you can not get much worse.Here goes!

In my mad wondering,I have come across these two articles that I thought were sobering/interesting.(in that order)

story #1:Today,anyone reading the paper would come across a story on the front page about a 110 year-old man that had recently died!Usually our "fair" media would not print anything about this,but there is something special about Mr. Frank Buckles.He is one of the last WW1 veterans.During the war(April 1917 in fact)a 16 year old Buckles wanted to join the fight in Europe.Due to his age he was rejected time after time,until he finally lied about his age;He was then accepted.He served in an ambulatory unit on the French Front.This patriot,after the war,has campaigned for greater recognition of veteran and soldier alike in his long lifetime,and with his passing America has lost one more of it's links to it's gloried past.

story#2:When I say to you that we had a casualty in 2003 from WW2 you may look at me and say,"huh?"But we did!In the ending of WW2 the Germans were making bullets out of anything they could get their hands on,and one of these makeshift bullets made their way into the body of a certain soldier on d-day.This soldier had a x ray done when he got back,and the doctors found nothing!Well the ex-soldier continued with his life,getting a job as a teacher at college.But disaster struck this soldier on his 72 birthday,he was found dying on his bed.When examined it was found that the German bullet he been hit by had been slowly killing him.Through further study it was found that the bullet did not show up on the X-ray because it was made up of a reflective metal that "bounced" the rays(do not ask me how).So dies the worlds oldest WW2 casualty!


  1. Enriqueta of AssanaMarch 1, 2011 at 8:09 PM

    @Gryphon: These stories are sad:(

  2. sorry about that

  3. you said their were three stores and one of them was funny?

  4. okay I remember the funny one now.(I originally had three stories I had read...but my mind being what it is,I forgot the funny ones,and only remembered the the morbid ones.)

    story#3:(This is a true story) An old professor was on his deathbed,surrounded by his loved ones.
    He had stopped breathing for two minutes,and his grandson said,"is he dead?"
    "feel if his feet are warm.No one ever died with his feet warm."said a helpful nephew.
    At that the dying historian sat up in his bed and said,
    "Joan of Arc did!"
    then died

    okay that was historian humor!(but it fit with my theme of death:)

  5. ha ha ha. I 'm willing to bet that you would be the little nephew that is sitting there grinning from ear to ear wondering if he was going to get an inheritance when uncle dies!! (I could SO see you doing that!!)
