Saturday, February 2, 2013

the Hamster

what should we name it ? :)


  1. I say we call it fluffy. And does anybody else have a weird feeling that Erika and all the other sisters are gonna be swooning over this thing? *sigh* :)

  2. Aww, he's so cute!! He needs a tail, though. I think we should call him Bingle. 

  3. OH MY, I LOVE THE HAMSTER!!! I already am making plans to make it OBESE , I will be on like 24/7 feeding it!! IT'S SOOOO CUTE! (it would be cuter though if it was a guinea pig;). "It shall be my squishy  and my squishy shall be mine."  It is soooo fun to feed...when I am dun with it we will need to call it fatty instead of fluffy..hehehe.
    NO bad hamster, no running on your  wheel, stop that you might loos were off all that food I just fed you!!

  4. Haha! okay I first saw this post on my phone and I didn't see the hamster widget so I thought you were talking about a real hamster! Now it makes sense. He looks like a hamster I used to have.

  5. I think we should name it Pixels! Although Bingle is adorable too( ;

  6. ooh, ooh, I know! we should name it Bilbo. Because it is little and cute.

  7. It's soooo cute! Is it a girl or a boy? I think it's a boy. I like the name Bilbo, but it's not quite perfect.
