Saturday, March 16, 2013

Giving odds anyone ?

What do you think the chance are that Rand Paul will run for president?


  1. I think that it's a little early to tell. :)

  2. Hmmm..... I would take even odds. GOP is trying to rebrand itself with a newer, younger, and more-minority friendly face. Everyone says that their are three rising stars in the Republican party.

    Mark Rubio is exactly what the Republicans want and need in order to appeal to the Latino vote. He has a lot of notoriety thanks to his statements against Obama's State of the Union, and his overall Conservative score of 100% makes him an Electable Conservative (a rare occurrence). I believe that no matter who runs, Rubio will be related to the ticket somehow. He may be the candidate or he may simply be the VP in order to try and break Obama's monopoly on immigrants.

    Rand Paul has quite a bit of potential! He can cash into his father's reputation and support base, without any of the shadows that tainted Ron Paul's candidacy. He can appeal to the Libertarian vote and, if he plays his cards right the conservative vote, too. His filibustering has also given him a mark of respect as a maverick in the Senate. This could hurt him with the institution, but voters like someone who shows his independence from the party. If he runs (which I would give a 50% chance), he should take Rubio in order to appeal to minority.

    Paul Ryan would be my other guess on the presidency. He would be the other 50%. I would say that he would have the position securely, thanks to his experience and expertise on budget matters, but he has severely lost the momentum of his political career with the lost presidential race. He needs to do something big if he wants get the spotlight back from other up and comers. (and there is the small matter of their being more conservative options to choose from, which could split his vote.)

    Dr. Carson is my newest American Hero. He gave a speech at the prayer breakfast that outlined tax reform, healthcare reform, and the role of personal responsibility in America. It is unknown whether he will run or not, but if he does, he will bear alot of looking. He is a neuro surgeon, and he is black. He can appeal to intellectuals and the black minority.

    My ideal ticket would be:

    Dr. Carson President
    Mark Rubio Vice President

  3. Hmmm so your saying 50/50. think maybe the more impotent question is would YOU vote for him ?

  4. I would have to say that it depends who else is running. If it is a choice between Rand or Obama, DEFINITELY RAND!!! But if Dr. Carson is running then I would vote for the good Doctor. (Although I would need more extensive study into both of their stances. As for the others, I would choose Rand over Mark Rubio or Paul Ryan.(But again, I would need time to further study them.)
