Friday, March 8, 2013

The first peace of a long project.

This is the first thing I did on the next film project ! I did the design for the uniform but some vary talented people did and the hard work :)


  1. Very Nice! You look the part...whatever it is. what is it?

  2. Indeed, sideburns and all. What part are you playing by the way?

  3. I'm not playing a part :) I'm modeling a costume. :0

  4. He was the costume designer, and did a GREAT job, he designed it from scratch! Then "us" sowing girls pout it together. Ok, so that was the rowel "us", I just made the hat(:
    hehe, one handsome looking dude there! (I could be a little biased:)

  5. So Rennuke, does this mean that you're going to put "Model" on your resume?

  6. No pried? No, some of us work 3rd shift. So we never actually see this until later. This lack of ammo is to be expected with recent gun laws. Blasted government. They have no clue what they are starting.

  7. Very cool Rennuke, Was that the house we were just cleaning in? (P.S: that coffee cup in the background adds a lot of depth :)

  8. It was all deliberate Every book ever picture even the grease gun and the rumples in the carpet :) well ok it wasn't I just said hay I'll pose in the sun beam here and you take a pic of me ! not even in so many words :)

  9. Nice! I like it,especially the hat...I have a thing for hats.
