Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sliped therow my fingers....

I was going to write a post on a book I had just read about loyalty and some deep emotions  but I couldn’t get to it until now and it and the feeling of it is gone  Its kind of weird  I can remember the book fine and what I was going to write about it but the “passion” for lack of a better word isn’t there.
Has anything like that ever happened t any of you ?


  1. Yes, I know the feeling exactly!:) Sometimes I feel like I have something really important to say or talk about, and then later on it just doesn't seem very exciting, or like you said, you don't have the same "passion" about it anymore. 

  2. Yes! It's terrible isn't it? It always happens to me when I want to record some thoughts about Scripture, and wait too long, or am writing a story, and stop in the middle. It usually helps to discuss it with someone. Somehow it brings back the excitement when you talk with someone, especially if they agree with what you're saying, and are enthusiastic themselves. :)

  3. Yep, It's happened before.
